27: ...Chester Bennington

Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington was 41 years old when he took his life. He leaves behind a legacy in the form of thoughtful lyrics. Those lyrics sung with a powerful voice of raw talent and self taught vocal discipline. Chester did battle with drugs, alcohol, and a troubled past as a child. But he battled that with words that spoke to so many people. Spoke DIRECTLY to them. We lost a poet who gave emotion to the exact words we all needed for different reasons. I'm tearing up as I finish this.... I hope the best that can happen for his family, his friends, and his fans


In case you or someone you know needs support, here are some resources:

Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK

Crisis Text Line, the free, nationwide, 24/7 text message service for people in crisis, is here to support. For support in the United States, text HELLO to 741741 or message at facebook.com/CrisisTextLine.

For support outside the US, find resources at http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html

26: ...Cats

Dave and Isaac gush over their favorite house pet. The four legged feline is one of our favorite companions, but why?


25: ...The Angry Video Game Nerd

David is here to talk the angriest gamer you've ever heard, he's the angry Nintendo nerd, he's the angry Atari Sega nerd. He's the Angry Video Game Nerd.


24: ...CRT Televisions

Isaac is here to explain CRT TVs. #1 Rule: No Magnets! Well...it's complicated.



Egyptian - EP

23: ...Motion Pictures: The People

Dave is back to talk about the people behind the motion picture machines we love so much. From Eadweard Muybridge to the Lumière Brothers. A story of love, innovation, science, and murder.